Satoshi FURUI Artist PhD


To Japanese text

A Proposal for Cultural Security
For Counter-Satanism

4.Specific issues related to historical awareness

4-3.The issue of falsification of "13 Days: Memoirs of the Cuban Crisis" by Robert Kennedy

 On the issue of the English original, it is noted that the book "13 Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Crisis" by Robert Kennedy has been falsified. Theodore Sorensen, a speechwriter for his brother, John F. Kennedy, is said to have published the manuscript after Robert's death, and in his preface he wrote, "At the request of his designated executor, I have made numerous minor corrections to this manuscript in order to clarify its meaning, structure, and grammar." In other words, it is said that Sorensen arbitrarily altered Robert Kennedy's posthumous manuscript, which is not an original "Robert Kennedy book."
 It would not be strange if the editor were to add notes to the deceased's posthumous manuscripts, but it would not be right to arbitrarily falsify the text of the deceased's posthumous manuscripts and publish them as the deceased's book. If we did that, it would not be a genuine book of the deceased. In a manner of speaking, Theodore Sorensen was confessing his own falsification in his preface. Sorensen may have been made to do it, too. Perhaps "his designated executor" was the one who had it done. If Sorensen had not written that in the preface, the reader would not have known about the falsification. It would mean that there was a reason to have it falsified to hide the facts.
 John and Robert's father, Joseph P. Kennedy, was removed by President Roosevelt for being a Nazi sympathizer when he was ambassador to the United Kingdom just before the United States entered World War II, and he was never involved in politics again.
 The issue of falsification in the English original, though, The Japanese translation was also translated verbatim and published and distributed as Robert Kennedy's book.

4-4.Alleged falsification since the first edition of the French original of "Dialogues with Duchamp" by Pierre Cabanne.(to next page)
(to English top page)

(c) Satoshi Furui 2024